This was a much-anticipated day in our local running community because our favorite specialty running store, Runners Roost, was scheduled to announce their newly selected running and triathlon teams for 2013. "The Roost" formed these teams several years ago, and they've since become very popular and many runners and triathletes from the Denver/Colorado Springs/Fort Collins area apply for a very limited number of slots on the various teams. These teams encompass folks from our local elite runners like Kim Dobson and Heather Utrata, to little ol' me. Yep, I'm looking forward to being a part of the running team for a second year. I'm also very excited to hear that some of my Runners Edge of the Rockies friends will also be on the team for the first time this year--and know that it's well-deserved on their part! It will also be great to see returning teammates and friends, and get to know other new teammates. The Roost does a fantastic job with these teams, and I'd like to give a special shout out to Matt Smith, who coordinates it all. Not an easy job with a bunch of us type A personalities!
If you're a runner or have a runner in your life, you probably know that we tend to be just a wee bit independent, and can tend towards being loners. That said, isn't it a bit ironic that we also love to be part of teams? We'll run miles and miles and miles solo, but then can't wait to go to an organized group run (that's not a race) to get in 5 or 6 miles together. We'll gather with our teammates after a race--it never fails--and whether we had a great race or not so much, it always makes things even better.
There's something about being on a team, whether that team is actually called a "team" or "training group"...We pursue our individual goals, but also encourage our teammates and are genuinely excited for them when they reach theirs--whether we did or not.
Cheers to all my teammates for a 2013 full of PRs, course records, wins/AG group placing, injury-free training, and making new friends!
Relentless Forward Motion, Ya'll...
Relentless Forward Motion
January 3, 2013
January 1, 2013
Just Do Something
Welcome, everyone, to 2013.
The second is from the National Mill Dog Rescue:
"As 2012 ends and 2013 starts I've been thinking really hard about what I should say to all of you. Should I come up with resolutions, share more of my puppy mill stories, just wish everyone a Happy New Year. . . what?
Then . . . my mom got a call from a disabled, house-bound senior lady who had received a $10 increase in her disability check and wanted to try to make a difference & 'do something'. She has no family or friends, doesn't get out of the house much, but has 2 dogs she loves very much. She really wanted to start doing something and thought she could donate her small increase to help with the puppy mill situation. My mom talked to her for a long time and the lady started crying when my mom explained about how people can do lots of different things to help out, things that don't involve anything but time & heart. This sweet lady hadn't felt needed or wanted for a very long time - - but she desperately wanted to 'Do Something' about the puppy mill situation and now she is. So, in honor of that lady, my mission for 2013 is to share her message and maybe inspire people to 'Do Something'. I know I will. Here's to a promising 2013 if we all do!"
...getting up and getting moving for a little bit every day
...accepting that invite for coffee or a drink from someone you know but don't really know
...letting that store round your bill up to the nearest dollar so that the change goes to needy kids/dogs/cats
...sending someone you know a short private message on Facebook or email to let them know you've been thinking about them
...dropping off a few small treats to a friend who's sick at home
...offering to help before they ask
...and the list could go on...
Relentless Forward Motion, Ya'll...
This isn't going to be yet another blog/tweet/facebook posting, etc. about resolutions. You see, I'm not a resolution-making kind of gal, and never have been. What follows are just some things that I was reminded of this morning on my way out the door for my run.
There are two stories I'd like to share with you.
The first is something that happened when a group of folks, people of faith (not religious people), got together one weekend a few years ago. They were really ordinary people...Some were people like you and me who went to work, took care of their household as best they could, and liked to enjoy Colorado on the weekends. Some were people who were struggling to make ends meet, or having difficulty with something or someone else in their lives. The point is, these folks weren't well-to-do at all.
That particular weekend, when they got together, someone mentioned a real need that had become evident in another group of people who were halfway around the world--people who most of these folks had never met. The simple question put out there was "if you want to and are able, would you help--however you can, in some small way?", and then they waited as whoever wanted to gave whatever they wanted to give.
The next weekend, when the people got together, most of them (I think) had forgotten about whatever they'd given, if they had, that day. Why? Because most of them had just given something they might have had in their pocket that day. Maybe some gave more, but no one was prepared when the need was voiced and they just did what they could.
To their amazement, they were told that the previous weekend, everyone had come together and given (are you ready for this?) almost $300,000 to help the other group of people. In one weekend. They each just did a little something, and it added up.
The second is from the National Mill Dog Rescue:
"As 2012 ends and 2013 starts I've been thinking really hard about what I should say to all of you. Should I come up with resolutions, share more of my puppy mill stories, just wish everyone a Happy New Year. . . what?
Then . . . my mom got a call from a disabled, house-bound senior lady who had received a $10 increase in her disability check and wanted to try to make a difference & 'do something'. She has no family or friends, doesn't get out of the house much, but has 2 dogs she loves very much. She really wanted to start doing something and thought she could donate her small increase to help with the puppy mill situation. My mom talked to her for a long time and the lady started crying when my mom explained about how people can do lots of different things to help out, things that don't involve anything but time & heart. This sweet lady hadn't felt needed or wanted for a very long time - - but she desperately wanted to 'Do Something' about the puppy mill situation and now she is. So, in honor of that lady, my mission for 2013 is to share her message and maybe inspire people to 'Do Something'. I know I will. Here's to a promising 2013 if we all do!"
How often have we (I!) thought that we couldn't really make a difference because we couldn't give enough money/time/energy/etc? How often have we waited on the moment when we could do something "big", forgetting that it's the little moments that add up to be significant?
And this isn't necessarily about money. What if we each just did what we could...What if we each just did something...towards whatever came our way that day or that week? We can apply this in so many different ways...
...encouraging someone with a hug and a smile...getting up and getting moving for a little bit every day
...accepting that invite for coffee or a drink from someone you know but don't really know
...letting that store round your bill up to the nearest dollar so that the change goes to needy kids/dogs/cats
...sending someone you know a short private message on Facebook or email to let them know you've been thinking about them
...dropping off a few small treats to a friend who's sick at home
...offering to help before they ask
...and the list could go on...
I have to pause here and say thank you to friends who have made a difference in my day or week through some of the little things they've done...without going into detail here, I hope you know who you are. If not, maybe I need to do something about that...
Sometimes, we may have the opportunity to make an impact or a difference in a "big" way. More often than not, though, it's the small things that we do or say that will add up to be significant.
Relentless Forward Motion, Ya'll...
October 31, 2012
Of Heat and Hurricanes
Well, it's been quite the year, marathon-wise, that is. Between the heat in April for the Boston Marathon and now the storm in the northeast just before the New York City Marathon, you could say it's been...unpredictable, at least. And I won't even go into the injury side of the house...
Yesterday morning, on my 2-hour (!!) drive in to work (28 miles
should NOT take 2 hours, but that's another story!), I had plenty of time to think about Hurricane Sandy / Frankenstorm / Superstorm Sandy / Biatch Sandy, or whatever your choice name for her is at the moment. A friend who'd just run the Marine Corps Marathon as Sandy was moving in called to see what the latest on the status of NYC was. As of this writing, NYC is supposedly still a go, but we runners haven't received any official communication from the NYRR, the organization that oversees the race. They've been assessing the situation, so have been markedly quiet.
Both the NYRR and ING New York City Marathon Facebook pages are seeing tons of comments from runners literally from all over the world. Many of them are asking whether the race will still be held (understandable, as they're coming from different countries and have a long travel schedule ahead of them). Many others are commenting on their support for the region during in the aftermath of Sandy, and still others are weighing in on whether the NYRR should cancel or proceed with the race. It's interesting to read the myriad of various postings and opinions, and encouraging to see the support that everyone has for the people of New York.
Having grown up in "hurricane country" (i.e., the Gulf Coast), I experienced some real whoppers (here's one: Hurricane Frederick: So, no matter whether I live in an area affected by hurricanes or not, I'm always drawn to follow them because of my experiences.
Now, after watching Superstorm Sandy barrel down on the northeast, comes the speculation about what's going to happen with the New York City Marathon this weekend. Will they still have it? Should they still have it? Will the participants be able to get there, and if we do, will we be able to get around the city (since the officials have stated that it will take at least four days to even pump the water from the subways)? And on and on the questions go...
I've adopted a wait-and-see attitude, because I can't control any of it. Watching the news special last night, however--and having lived through hurricanes myself--I've started to question whether, for me, running the marathon (if it's held) would be the thing to do. I trust the city officials of New York and the NYRR will make the decision they feel is best for the area and its residents during this difficult time.
Stay tuned...We're supposed to hear an official statement today....
Relentless Forward Motion, Ya'll...
Yesterday morning, on my 2-hour (!!) drive in to work (28 miles
should NOT take 2 hours, but that's another story!), I had plenty of time to think about Hurricane Sandy / Frankenstorm / Superstorm Sandy / Biatch Sandy, or whatever your choice name for her is at the moment. A friend who'd just run the Marine Corps Marathon as Sandy was moving in called to see what the latest on the status of NYC was. As of this writing, NYC is supposedly still a go, but we runners haven't received any official communication from the NYRR, the organization that oversees the race. They've been assessing the situation, so have been markedly quiet.
Both the NYRR and ING New York City Marathon Facebook pages are seeing tons of comments from runners literally from all over the world. Many of them are asking whether the race will still be held (understandable, as they're coming from different countries and have a long travel schedule ahead of them). Many others are commenting on their support for the region during in the aftermath of Sandy, and still others are weighing in on whether the NYRR should cancel or proceed with the race. It's interesting to read the myriad of various postings and opinions, and encouraging to see the support that everyone has for the people of New York.
Having grown up in "hurricane country" (i.e., the Gulf Coast), I experienced some real whoppers (here's one: Hurricane Frederick: So, no matter whether I live in an area affected by hurricanes or not, I'm always drawn to follow them because of my experiences.
Now, after watching Superstorm Sandy barrel down on the northeast, comes the speculation about what's going to happen with the New York City Marathon this weekend. Will they still have it? Should they still have it? Will the participants be able to get there, and if we do, will we be able to get around the city (since the officials have stated that it will take at least four days to even pump the water from the subways)? And on and on the questions go...
I've adopted a wait-and-see attitude, because I can't control any of it. Watching the news special last night, however--and having lived through hurricanes myself--I've started to question whether, for me, running the marathon (if it's held) would be the thing to do. I trust the city officials of New York and the NYRR will make the decision they feel is best for the area and its residents during this difficult time.
Stay tuned...We're supposed to hear an official statement today....
Relentless Forward Motion, Ya'll...
July 25, 2012
Let the Recovery Begin
If you're a runner, especially a distance runner, what's the second thing that crosses your mind once you cross that finish line? (I ask about the second, because I know for many of us, the first thing is some variation of 'Thank God I'm finished!!!') Whether you realize it or not, the second thing that crosses your mind is probably 'recovery'. Granted, it may be in the form of 'BEER!!!!' or 'FOOD!!!' or 'MUST.SIT.DOWN', but those are still all forms of 'recovery'.
Recovery begins the moment we cross the finish line.
I'm in the midst of my recovery from the Missoula Marathon. When I crossed the finish line on the Higgins Avenue bridge, after the first volunteer put the medal around my sweaty neck, the second volunteer stopped me to remove the timing chip from my shoe. I kept thinking "hurry, hurry, hurry" because I know without a doubt that I HAVE to keep moving after my race. This is what starts my recovery process. I discovered this very important piece of information after the 2011 Boston Marathon when--even after walking for several minutes--I became lightheaded when we stopped to retrieve our gear bags. "Vasodilation", one of my doctor-running-buddy-friends later told me, is what it was, and when we stop running after running so long and so hard, it can easily happen. Basically, as I understand it, the blood vessels dilate which causes an increase in blood flow which then results in a decrease in blood pressure. And, as we all know, too much of a decrease in blood pressure and BAM! Down you go! (I'm obviously not a doc, so this isn't medical advice. Talk to your own doc for more information.) Fortunately no, I didn't faint that day after Boston, but I could have! This is why we, dear distance friends, are made to "keep moving" following our marathons. (Well, that, and we have to get out of the way of the other finishers!)
And so, after Missoula, I knew the best thing for me to do to kick-start my recovery was to walk. And to keep walking. The finish area wasn't huge (like it is in Boston and New York), so I had to walk around the food tent several times after walking over to the gear bag area and back. I think I must have walked for about 30 minutes total before being ready to sit down and put my feet up. It worked, though. No lightheadedness for me.
I also try to eat something--both carbs & protein--right after I finish in order to start replacing the glycogen I've used up and to repair the muscle damage I've inflicted on my legs. This isn't, for me, eating because I'm hungry. Not by a longshot. On the contrary, I really don't want to eat anything right after a race, and it seems to be getting more difficult with each race. It's too bad that I couldn't stomach any of the post-race food they were serving (literally) at Missoula, because it was the best variety I've seen following a marathon. I tried to eat part of a banana (WHY do I keep trying to eat bananas when I hate them??) and also grabbed a bagel slice, but it wasn't happening. The only thing I could stomach, and only after walking around for 30 minutes, was a real fruit strawberry popsicle. (30 minutes, by the way, is the ideal window in which we want to get food into us post-workout in order to reap the most benefit.)
I won't go into the topic of stretching, since it's so controversial these days, except to say that personally, I do try to stretch *lightly* after my race.
It goes without saying, I think, that this entire time I'm trying to continue to sip on both a recovery drink and water in order to hydrate. If it's been unusually hot, or you're a very heavy sweater, or you've become dehydrated during the race (and it doesn't take much for this to happen), then this becomes even more important.
So that's the first...hour...after the race. Then what?
Relentless Forward Motion, Ya'll...
Recovery begins the moment we cross the finish line.
I'm in the midst of my recovery from the Missoula Marathon. When I crossed the finish line on the Higgins Avenue bridge, after the first volunteer put the medal around my sweaty neck, the second volunteer stopped me to remove the timing chip from my shoe. I kept thinking "hurry, hurry, hurry" because I know without a doubt that I HAVE to keep moving after my race. This is what starts my recovery process. I discovered this very important piece of information after the 2011 Boston Marathon when--even after walking for several minutes--I became lightheaded when we stopped to retrieve our gear bags. "Vasodilation", one of my doctor-running-buddy-friends later told me, is what it was, and when we stop running after running so long and so hard, it can easily happen. Basically, as I understand it, the blood vessels dilate which causes an increase in blood flow which then results in a decrease in blood pressure. And, as we all know, too much of a decrease in blood pressure and BAM! Down you go! (I'm obviously not a doc, so this isn't medical advice. Talk to your own doc for more information.) Fortunately no, I didn't faint that day after Boston, but I could have! This is why we, dear distance friends, are made to "keep moving" following our marathons. (Well, that, and we have to get out of the way of the other finishers!)
And so, after Missoula, I knew the best thing for me to do to kick-start my recovery was to walk. And to keep walking. The finish area wasn't huge (like it is in Boston and New York), so I had to walk around the food tent several times after walking over to the gear bag area and back. I think I must have walked for about 30 minutes total before being ready to sit down and put my feet up. It worked, though. No lightheadedness for me.
I also try to eat something--both carbs & protein--right after I finish in order to start replacing the glycogen I've used up and to repair the muscle damage I've inflicted on my legs. This isn't, for me, eating because I'm hungry. Not by a longshot. On the contrary, I really don't want to eat anything right after a race, and it seems to be getting more difficult with each race. It's too bad that I couldn't stomach any of the post-race food they were serving (literally) at Missoula, because it was the best variety I've seen following a marathon. I tried to eat part of a banana (WHY do I keep trying to eat bananas when I hate them??) and also grabbed a bagel slice, but it wasn't happening. The only thing I could stomach, and only after walking around for 30 minutes, was a real fruit strawberry popsicle. (30 minutes, by the way, is the ideal window in which we want to get food into us post-workout in order to reap the most benefit.)
I won't go into the topic of stretching, since it's so controversial these days, except to say that personally, I do try to stretch *lightly* after my race.
It goes without saying, I think, that this entire time I'm trying to continue to sip on both a recovery drink and water in order to hydrate. If it's been unusually hot, or you're a very heavy sweater, or you've become dehydrated during the race (and it doesn't take much for this to happen), then this becomes even more important.
So that's the first...hour...after the race. Then what?
Relentless Forward Motion, Ya'll...
July 18, 2012
Happy Birthday, Dad
Today is my Dad's birthday. He would've been 85 years old.

Since losing him at Christmas, I think about him every day, but wanted to pause and remember him "out loud" on his birthday.
My Dad was one tough guy, in many ways. Yet, in so many ways he was also a big softie. We'd always had dogs (mostly dachsies!), but over the last few years (since Hurricane Katrina), he & my stepmother had adopted not one, not two, but three little dogs who needed homes. All little dogs had my Dad wrapped around their paws.

I was looking through his senior yearbook and found his class picture. (Isn't he handsome?!)

And then I saw it: "Track, 2"! Dad had run track his sophomore year in school! For whatever reason, he didn't continue with it. I'll never know, because Dad never did talk about the past much at all.
My favorite picture of Dad and me as a kid was taken at the Island-- our nickname for Dauphin Island. We were getting ready to surf those waves!

Dad absolutely LOVED to be on the water, even though he went to sea for a living, as Chief Engineer for a steamship corporation. When he was home, we'd usually be out on the boat fishing, shrimping, or crabbing, floundering, or oystering.


(That's a marlin that Dad landed during a billfishing tournament.)
I won't go into what I think Dad instilled in me that's helped my running...Maybe that's for another blog. Or maybe not. But, I will say that he's been an inspiration for me in my races this year, especially at Boston.
Thanks for letting me ramble for a minute and tell you a little about my Dad.
I love you, Dad. Happy Birthday.

Relentless Forward Motion, Ya'll...

Since losing him at Christmas, I think about him every day, but wanted to pause and remember him "out loud" on his birthday.
My Dad was one tough guy, in many ways. Yet, in so many ways he was also a big softie. We'd always had dogs (mostly dachsies!), but over the last few years (since Hurricane Katrina), he & my stepmother had adopted not one, not two, but three little dogs who needed homes. All little dogs had my Dad wrapped around their paws.

I was looking through his senior yearbook and found his class picture. (Isn't he handsome?!)

And then I saw it: "Track, 2"! Dad had run track his sophomore year in school! For whatever reason, he didn't continue with it. I'll never know, because Dad never did talk about the past much at all.
My favorite picture of Dad and me as a kid was taken at the Island-- our nickname for Dauphin Island. We were getting ready to surf those waves!

Dad absolutely LOVED to be on the water, even though he went to sea for a living, as Chief Engineer for a steamship corporation. When he was home, we'd usually be out on the boat fishing, shrimping, or crabbing, floundering, or oystering.


(That's a marlin that Dad landed during a billfishing tournament.)
I won't go into what I think Dad instilled in me that's helped my running...Maybe that's for another blog. Or maybe not. But, I will say that he's been an inspiration for me in my races this year, especially at Boston.
Thanks for letting me ramble for a minute and tell you a little about my Dad.
I love you, Dad. Happy Birthday.

Relentless Forward Motion, Ya'll...
July 16, 2012
Magnificent Missoula: the 2012 Missoula Marathon, Part 2--Photos
Packet pickup in Caras Park:

The expo is held under this huge tent structure in Caras Park:

This is the area where the awards ceremony is held after the race. On the day of the expo, however, there were many vendors set up in this area. I wasn't sure if it was part of the race weekend festivities or connected to a local farmer's market which was also taking place.

View of the river from Caras Park:

The race poster that I saw at many businesses:

This cow was at mile 16.7. I, however, managed not to see it at all. We piled in the Clown Car on Sunday afternoon to find it.

You get a nice tech shirt and a gear bag:

The Bling. This is one of the most unique medals I've seen.

Runners Edge of the Rockies does Missoula!

Me, post-race

Relentless Forward Motion, Ya'll...

The expo is held under this huge tent structure in Caras Park:

This is the area where the awards ceremony is held after the race. On the day of the expo, however, there were many vendors set up in this area. I wasn't sure if it was part of the race weekend festivities or connected to a local farmer's market which was also taking place.

View of the river from Caras Park:

The race poster that I saw at many businesses:

This cow was at mile 16.7. I, however, managed not to see it at all. We piled in the Clown Car on Sunday afternoon to find it.

You get a nice tech shirt and a gear bag:

The Bling. This is one of the most unique medals I've seen.

Runners Edge of the Rockies does Missoula!

Me, post-race

Relentless Forward Motion, Ya'll...
Location:Missoula, MT
July 15, 2012
Magnificent Missoula: the 2012 Missoula Marathon
By the time my head hit the pillow, I'd been up for 21 hours straight. It had been a long day (even longer, considering I was lucky to get 5 hours of sleep the night before), but ultimately a good one. Earlier that morning, I'd run the 6th Annual Missoula Marathon, in Missoula, Montana.
I have several partially written blogs that I just haven't finished, but am determined to finish this one because this is one good race. As is typical after a race, friends ask about it, specifically wanting to hear about how your race went, but also eager to hear about the race itself if they haven't run it. I don't know of anyone in our running group who has run the Missoula Marathon (I don't know anyone period who's run it), so wanted to provide a race review for you.
This is an excellent race that I thoroughly enjoyed, and I highly recommend it. The experience here is not a Boston or a New York City in terms of size, but in terms of quality, I have to say that I think it's a contender. Here's why.
This race is put on by the local running club, Run Wild Missoula. When you have runners putting on races (versus big corporate entities that are far-removed from being part of the running community), it makes an enormous difference in everything. This race is well-organized, from the pre-race expo all the way through to the finish area and awards ceremony.
The expo is held outside in Caras Park under a big tent structure the day before the race. There, as usual, you pick up your race packet, gear bag (which is nice bag with an outside zippered pocket, by the way), and timing chip. Right there, they have computers set up where you scan your chip to verify that it works and that the information is correct.
The morning of the race, everyone catches a bus that takes you to the start from the parking garage downtown. Missoula does it just like Boston: you get on a big, yellow school bus and are shuttled to the starting area. I caught the bus at 5am (the race start is 6am), and noticed that not only were there plenty of volunteers, but they were very cheerful and knew exactly where to point runners if there were questions about which bus to board. That was pretty clear, though, because they had signs pointing out the buses for the half marathon (on one side of the street) and the full marathon (on the opposite side of the street).
Before they dropped us off at the starting area, one of the friendly race officials boarded our bus, described the starting area, and reminded us NOT to step over the timing mats (but to walk to the side) as they were already activated. The starting area was well-equipped with plenty of porta-potties and the gear bag check. One snafu that did happen was that not all of us got the number stickers (matching our bibs) that were to go on the outside of our gear bags for the transport back to the finish area. Kudos to whoever realized this, because the volunteers were ready with masking tape and sharpies to mark our bib numbers on our gear bags.
Once the race was underway, the aid stations were consistent in the order in which the fluids were handed out (gatorade first, followed by water), and the volunteers were plentiful at each one, as well as enthusiastic. At several (two, I think) of the aid stations, there were gels being handed out (Clif Shots), both caffeinated and non-caffeinated.
After you finished, the finish line area flowed well. Once you received your medal and had your timing chip removed, you could either get your photo taken by one of the two photographers or go immediately into the food tent (and then come back, if you wanted to). The food provided was plentiful and more than the typical post-marathon fare, and there were tables and chairs just past it in case you wanted to sit in the shade after your race. After you walked through the food tent, just around the corner was the gear bag area, and they had the bags organized by bib numbers. As I walked up to get my bag, the volunteer already had it in her hand ready for me!
I should note that I was able to walk around (and around and around) the food tent and back and forth freely in the finish area (versus being made to walk only in one direction). Obviously, that has a lot to do with the size of the race (1111 marathon finishers this year), but it was great because I can't eat immediately following my race, and I always try to keep walking for quite a while before I sit down. Being able to walk around and around that tent kept me in the shade, I could see folks after they finished, and I was also able to get a *real fruit!* popsicle when I was able to eat something. Recovery starts once you cross that finish line, and the set-up at Missoula was helping tremendously with mine!
Simply put, the course is beautiful! It's a long, gradual uphill (though not significant) with a big "bump" of a hill at mile 14. You start the marathon in Frenchtown, which is northwest of Missoula, in the Montana countryside. As we got into the first few miles on Mullen Road, I could hear cows moo-ing in the distance, as if they were cheering us runners on. A little farther down the road, I looked up to see four gorgeous horses in a field on the left side of the road/course, who had gotten curious and run over to the fence closest to us to watch us run past. I made a point to snap that photo in my mind's eye!
At mile 9.4, we turned onto Kona Ranch Road and ran across the river. Still in the countryside, the views were stunning and I had to look around to take them in. Throughout Kona Ranch Road, to Big Flat Road and up the hill at mile 14, across the river at about mile 17, the course meanders the Montana countryside just outside Missoula, and the scenery is all the same: gorgeous. You are, of course, making your way closer and closer into Missoula proper, and it becomes decidedly more residential after you cross the river around mile 17. Be aware that this first part of the course, with few exceptions, is mostly exposed, so you'll want to be prepared with a good hydration strategy and sunscreen. There is some shade part of the way up Big Flat Road, and the hill at mile 14, thankfully, is primarily shaded. I thought the hill was steep, and because it has a false summit then keeps going up, it took a bit more out of me than I would have liked.
Once you hit about mile 17, you're getting into Missoula and it becomes more residential. From there, the course has quite a bit more shade as well as quite a few more turns (someone counted 19+ in the last 10k). There are several round-abouts to deal with, and this was probably the only thing that I really didn't care for about this race course. They weren't huge, but just enough that you couldn't keep that straight line going. As we know, too, a race course will be faster if it doesn't have a lot of turns in it, so that last 10k could be a little frustrating, but I do understand why it is the way it is: because of the finish location. The finish line is at the end of the bridge on Higgins Avenue, where you once again--and one final time--cross the river. The finish line and finish area is on the "upper level" above the riverwalk and Caras Park, and provides a scenic end to a very scenic marathon course.
Volunteers and Spectators
The volunteers and spectators for the Missoula Marathon were simply wonderful. This race has fantastic community support! Volunteers were knowledgeable and enthusiastic from the minute I entered the bus-boarding area that morning, all throughout the race and to the post-race area. It's a long day for the volunteers, too, and yet each one I spoke to (and thanked!) was friendly, encouraging, and truly seemed to be enjoying what they were doing.
You would think that there wouldn't be any spectators at all for the first half of the course, given where you're running. Wrong. While there weren't tons of spectators, there were sporadic groups--sometimes a couple, sometimes a small group--along the way. And they cheered! Of course, the closer you got into town, the more spectators there were, but even at several junctions there were a good number of enthusiastic spectators cheering us on! Because it was warmer than usual, folks all along the course had set out their sprinklers for us to run under. There were a couple of places were they were handing out ice, and I even saw someone set out an ice chest full of ice for us to get if we needed to cool off. I remember a lady playing a ukulele and singing as we ran by (on Big Flat Road, I think), and there seemed to be just enough boom boxes or music of some sort playing at different points. Perhaps the most interesting spectator-provided-music was the gentleman who was playing his baby grand piano on a platform under a small tent, in a tux, in his front yard! I know that Big Sur has that, but this is Missoula, Montana, and this fella probably wasn't contracted to do it, I'm guessing.
The spectators got more and more numerous, and stayed enthusiastic, the closer we got to the finish, and as we turned the corner and started across the bridge on Higgins, they seemed to be lined up all the way across the bridge and cheering us on!
Fabulous volunteers and spectators also make this marathon outstanding!
Awards Ceremony
They have one! The awards ceremony is held in Caras Park, which is just a short walk downstairs from the finish area on Higgins Avenue. There are a bunch of vendors (for lack of a better word) in the tent where the expo was, and you can go to an area where there are computers for you to enter your bib number and get a printout of your official finish time, the split for each half, and your placement (age group, sex, overall). It's a nice touch, since the clock time will be your gun time, but what we all care about is our net time. The one thing that I'd like to see is a printout posted with the age group and overall results for us to check out. That's a minor detail, though. One thing that's different that you need to be aware of is that Missoula allows double-dipping when it comes to awards. I was 4th in my age group, but the gal who won my age group also placed in the overall female masters division. Normally, this would have bumped me up to receive the 3rd place in my age group, but the Missola Marathon awarded her both the overall masters female placement award as well as the age group award.
The medals for the Missoula Marathon are probably the coolest ones I've seen.
Start time for the race is 6am! Nice and cool, and you get to watch the sunrise. Before the start, there are fireworks, which can really get you pumped up and ready to run.
The photos that were taken (if you wanted them) after you finished? Not only were they high quality (the best post-race photo I've had), but they're provided for free! The photographers hand you a slip of paper with a number on it, and when you walk down to Caras Park, you can go to an area where they'll pull them up and print them for you, also providing a temporary frame card for you to store it. I had my photo taken alone, then after my other friends from my group finished, we got together for a group photo as well. They printed out one for each of us! This meant alot to me, for two reasons: one, because of one my friends was moving to Maui soon and this was probably the last race that we'd run together for a while, if not for good, and two, it's a group photo of friends I run with every week after a race that we all loved!
In addition to those photos, by mid-week after the race, we'd already received an email notification that our on-course photos were ready and--are you ready for this--they're provided for free! These are incredibly nice touches for runners!
The tech shirt is nice. There were different colors for the full marathon, half marathon, and (I'm assuming, though I didn't see it) the marathon relay. It fits well, too.
The post-race food wasn't your typical bagels, fruit, and yogurt. I can't remember everything they served (although I do remember there being pasta), but there was a very good variety there, including the bagels, fruit, and yogurt. I have to make myself eat immediately after a marathon, but that day the only thing I could stomach (and that after walking for quite a while) was the real fruit popsicle. Strawberry popsicles never tasted so good!
Finally, this race is inexpensive, and an amazing "bang for your buck"! In a day when big-city marathons like New York cost $ 255 to register (and don't get me wrong: I love those races... I've run Boston twice and plan to run NYC a second time in November), and not-so-big-city marathons run by another big corporation cost close to $ 200, the Missoula Marathon only cost $ 75 for me to register.
I just really liked this marathon. It was # 7 for me, and I would seriously consider doing it again! With a finishing field of 1111 marathoners this year, it's sure to continue to grow if they keep doing such a fantastic job. The few minor "suggestions for improvement" in the review I wrote on are just that--minor, and I wouldn't let that stop me from doing it again, or YOU from doing it the first time.
Good job, Run Wild Missoula! Keep it up!
Relentless Forward Motion, Ya'll...
I have several partially written blogs that I just haven't finished, but am determined to finish this one because this is one good race. As is typical after a race, friends ask about it, specifically wanting to hear about how your race went, but also eager to hear about the race itself if they haven't run it. I don't know of anyone in our running group who has run the Missoula Marathon (I don't know anyone period who's run it), so wanted to provide a race review for you.
This is an excellent race that I thoroughly enjoyed, and I highly recommend it. The experience here is not a Boston or a New York City in terms of size, but in terms of quality, I have to say that I think it's a contender. Here's why.
This race is put on by the local running club, Run Wild Missoula. When you have runners putting on races (versus big corporate entities that are far-removed from being part of the running community), it makes an enormous difference in everything. This race is well-organized, from the pre-race expo all the way through to the finish area and awards ceremony.
The expo is held outside in Caras Park under a big tent structure the day before the race. There, as usual, you pick up your race packet, gear bag (which is nice bag with an outside zippered pocket, by the way), and timing chip. Right there, they have computers set up where you scan your chip to verify that it works and that the information is correct.
The morning of the race, everyone catches a bus that takes you to the start from the parking garage downtown. Missoula does it just like Boston: you get on a big, yellow school bus and are shuttled to the starting area. I caught the bus at 5am (the race start is 6am), and noticed that not only were there plenty of volunteers, but they were very cheerful and knew exactly where to point runners if there were questions about which bus to board. That was pretty clear, though, because they had signs pointing out the buses for the half marathon (on one side of the street) and the full marathon (on the opposite side of the street).
Before they dropped us off at the starting area, one of the friendly race officials boarded our bus, described the starting area, and reminded us NOT to step over the timing mats (but to walk to the side) as they were already activated. The starting area was well-equipped with plenty of porta-potties and the gear bag check. One snafu that did happen was that not all of us got the number stickers (matching our bibs) that were to go on the outside of our gear bags for the transport back to the finish area. Kudos to whoever realized this, because the volunteers were ready with masking tape and sharpies to mark our bib numbers on our gear bags.
Once the race was underway, the aid stations were consistent in the order in which the fluids were handed out (gatorade first, followed by water), and the volunteers were plentiful at each one, as well as enthusiastic. At several (two, I think) of the aid stations, there were gels being handed out (Clif Shots), both caffeinated and non-caffeinated.
After you finished, the finish line area flowed well. Once you received your medal and had your timing chip removed, you could either get your photo taken by one of the two photographers or go immediately into the food tent (and then come back, if you wanted to). The food provided was plentiful and more than the typical post-marathon fare, and there were tables and chairs just past it in case you wanted to sit in the shade after your race. After you walked through the food tent, just around the corner was the gear bag area, and they had the bags organized by bib numbers. As I walked up to get my bag, the volunteer already had it in her hand ready for me!
I should note that I was able to walk around (and around and around) the food tent and back and forth freely in the finish area (versus being made to walk only in one direction). Obviously, that has a lot to do with the size of the race (1111 marathon finishers this year), but it was great because I can't eat immediately following my race, and I always try to keep walking for quite a while before I sit down. Being able to walk around and around that tent kept me in the shade, I could see folks after they finished, and I was also able to get a *real fruit!* popsicle when I was able to eat something. Recovery starts once you cross that finish line, and the set-up at Missoula was helping tremendously with mine!
Simply put, the course is beautiful! It's a long, gradual uphill (though not significant) with a big "bump" of a hill at mile 14. You start the marathon in Frenchtown, which is northwest of Missoula, in the Montana countryside. As we got into the first few miles on Mullen Road, I could hear cows moo-ing in the distance, as if they were cheering us runners on. A little farther down the road, I looked up to see four gorgeous horses in a field on the left side of the road/course, who had gotten curious and run over to the fence closest to us to watch us run past. I made a point to snap that photo in my mind's eye!
At mile 9.4, we turned onto Kona Ranch Road and ran across the river. Still in the countryside, the views were stunning and I had to look around to take them in. Throughout Kona Ranch Road, to Big Flat Road and up the hill at mile 14, across the river at about mile 17, the course meanders the Montana countryside just outside Missoula, and the scenery is all the same: gorgeous. You are, of course, making your way closer and closer into Missoula proper, and it becomes decidedly more residential after you cross the river around mile 17. Be aware that this first part of the course, with few exceptions, is mostly exposed, so you'll want to be prepared with a good hydration strategy and sunscreen. There is some shade part of the way up Big Flat Road, and the hill at mile 14, thankfully, is primarily shaded. I thought the hill was steep, and because it has a false summit then keeps going up, it took a bit more out of me than I would have liked.
Once you hit about mile 17, you're getting into Missoula and it becomes more residential. From there, the course has quite a bit more shade as well as quite a few more turns (someone counted 19+ in the last 10k). There are several round-abouts to deal with, and this was probably the only thing that I really didn't care for about this race course. They weren't huge, but just enough that you couldn't keep that straight line going. As we know, too, a race course will be faster if it doesn't have a lot of turns in it, so that last 10k could be a little frustrating, but I do understand why it is the way it is: because of the finish location. The finish line is at the end of the bridge on Higgins Avenue, where you once again--and one final time--cross the river. The finish line and finish area is on the "upper level" above the riverwalk and Caras Park, and provides a scenic end to a very scenic marathon course.
Volunteers and Spectators
The volunteers and spectators for the Missoula Marathon were simply wonderful. This race has fantastic community support! Volunteers were knowledgeable and enthusiastic from the minute I entered the bus-boarding area that morning, all throughout the race and to the post-race area. It's a long day for the volunteers, too, and yet each one I spoke to (and thanked!) was friendly, encouraging, and truly seemed to be enjoying what they were doing.
You would think that there wouldn't be any spectators at all for the first half of the course, given where you're running. Wrong. While there weren't tons of spectators, there were sporadic groups--sometimes a couple, sometimes a small group--along the way. And they cheered! Of course, the closer you got into town, the more spectators there were, but even at several junctions there were a good number of enthusiastic spectators cheering us on! Because it was warmer than usual, folks all along the course had set out their sprinklers for us to run under. There were a couple of places were they were handing out ice, and I even saw someone set out an ice chest full of ice for us to get if we needed to cool off. I remember a lady playing a ukulele and singing as we ran by (on Big Flat Road, I think), and there seemed to be just enough boom boxes or music of some sort playing at different points. Perhaps the most interesting spectator-provided-music was the gentleman who was playing his baby grand piano on a platform under a small tent, in a tux, in his front yard! I know that Big Sur has that, but this is Missoula, Montana, and this fella probably wasn't contracted to do it, I'm guessing.
The spectators got more and more numerous, and stayed enthusiastic, the closer we got to the finish, and as we turned the corner and started across the bridge on Higgins, they seemed to be lined up all the way across the bridge and cheering us on!
Fabulous volunteers and spectators also make this marathon outstanding!
Awards Ceremony
They have one! The awards ceremony is held in Caras Park, which is just a short walk downstairs from the finish area on Higgins Avenue. There are a bunch of vendors (for lack of a better word) in the tent where the expo was, and you can go to an area where there are computers for you to enter your bib number and get a printout of your official finish time, the split for each half, and your placement (age group, sex, overall). It's a nice touch, since the clock time will be your gun time, but what we all care about is our net time. The one thing that I'd like to see is a printout posted with the age group and overall results for us to check out. That's a minor detail, though. One thing that's different that you need to be aware of is that Missoula allows double-dipping when it comes to awards. I was 4th in my age group, but the gal who won my age group also placed in the overall female masters division. Normally, this would have bumped me up to receive the 3rd place in my age group, but the Missola Marathon awarded her both the overall masters female placement award as well as the age group award.
The medals for the Missoula Marathon are probably the coolest ones I've seen.
Start time for the race is 6am! Nice and cool, and you get to watch the sunrise. Before the start, there are fireworks, which can really get you pumped up and ready to run.
The photos that were taken (if you wanted them) after you finished? Not only were they high quality (the best post-race photo I've had), but they're provided for free! The photographers hand you a slip of paper with a number on it, and when you walk down to Caras Park, you can go to an area where they'll pull them up and print them for you, also providing a temporary frame card for you to store it. I had my photo taken alone, then after my other friends from my group finished, we got together for a group photo as well. They printed out one for each of us! This meant alot to me, for two reasons: one, because of one my friends was moving to Maui soon and this was probably the last race that we'd run together for a while, if not for good, and two, it's a group photo of friends I run with every week after a race that we all loved!
In addition to those photos, by mid-week after the race, we'd already received an email notification that our on-course photos were ready and--are you ready for this--they're provided for free! These are incredibly nice touches for runners!
The tech shirt is nice. There were different colors for the full marathon, half marathon, and (I'm assuming, though I didn't see it) the marathon relay. It fits well, too.
The post-race food wasn't your typical bagels, fruit, and yogurt. I can't remember everything they served (although I do remember there being pasta), but there was a very good variety there, including the bagels, fruit, and yogurt. I have to make myself eat immediately after a marathon, but that day the only thing I could stomach (and that after walking for quite a while) was the real fruit popsicle. Strawberry popsicles never tasted so good!
Finally, this race is inexpensive, and an amazing "bang for your buck"! In a day when big-city marathons like New York cost $ 255 to register (and don't get me wrong: I love those races... I've run Boston twice and plan to run NYC a second time in November), and not-so-big-city marathons run by another big corporation cost close to $ 200, the Missoula Marathon only cost $ 75 for me to register.
I just really liked this marathon. It was # 7 for me, and I would seriously consider doing it again! With a finishing field of 1111 marathoners this year, it's sure to continue to grow if they keep doing such a fantastic job. The few minor "suggestions for improvement" in the review I wrote on are just that--minor, and I wouldn't let that stop me from doing it again, or YOU from doing it the first time.
Good job, Run Wild Missoula! Keep it up!
Relentless Forward Motion, Ya'll...
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