April 12, 2011

Boston Marathon Athlete Tracking

Ever wish that you could actually be there when someone you know runs these crazy things called marathons, but something keeps you from it (such as the cash outlay to fly/drive, stay in a hotel, etc, etc)?  Well, you're in luck.  For the major marathons, there is usually a way to track an athlete who you know is running, which may be the next best thing to being there.  While most of the biggies are broadcast on tv, that time-space continuum is reserved for the elites...those extremely fleet-footed folks who are capable of sustaining 5-minute (or less!) miles over the course of 26.2 miles.  The rest of us won't get that tv time (unless they happen to leave the finish-line camera running after the elites are done, as they did in this year's Chicago Marathon, and if you happen to be streaming it online, as I was).
If you have friends or family running the 115th annual Boston Marathon, click on the link below to find out what you need to know and do if you want to follow their progress.  And if, for some strange reason, it's me you want to follow, just please DON'T tell me until AFTER the race!
Finally, don't announce an athlete's time if they haven't done it themselves.  Not cool.
For information on race day media coverage, or other spectator information:
For individual Athlete Tracking:

Relentless Forward Motion, Ya'll...

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